Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Differences Between Men And Women - 1171 Words

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between men and women psychologically, and biologically? Men and Women are extremely different in many ways. Men act in certain ways and express themselves differently from how women do. There are many differences between the two genders including communication skills, biologically different, and the cultural stereotypes that have separated the two genders socially. Many relationships end due to the fact of misunderstanding each other and how to communicate to each other in the relationship. â€Å"When it comes to personal relationships, best-selling books and popular magazines often claim that women and men don’t get along because they communicate too differently† (Wheeling, K. 2015). Communication in any type of relationship is very important to have. Weather it is in a work environment or an intimate relationship with family members including; the mom and dad, or the wife and husband. â€Å"To become an effective communicator, you need to learn to listen just as much as you need to learn to speak† (Whitbourn, 2012). Men and women that work together to solve the problem or situation they are going through and understanding one another’s own personal perspective and realizing that men and women think differently from one another will have a successful relationship. Since men and women are different psychologically sometimes what women believe is the best way to communicate is sometimes what men believe is the worst way to communicate,Show MoreRelatedDifferences Between Men And Women1405 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, there have been differences between men and women due to their gender. From different jobs to different roles in society, these differences have affected their lifestyles in the past as well as in the present and may continue into the future. These differences can go as far as to affecting their causes of death. Both men and wom en share several causes of death, including: heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, unintentional diseasesRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women1420 Words   |  6 PagesThe differences between men and women were socially defined and distorted through a lens of sexism in which men assumed superiority over women and maintained it through domination. As the goal of equality between men and women now grows closer we are also losing our awareness of important differences. In some circles of society, politically correct thinking is obliterating important discussion as well as our awareness of the similarities and differences between men and women. The vision of equalityRead MoreDifference between men and women867 Words   |  4 Pages 9/22/13 Differences between Men and Women For centuries, the differences between men and women were socially defined through a lens of sexism, in which men assumed to be superior over women. The vision of equality between the sexes has narrowed the possibilities for discovery of what truly exists within a man and women. The world would be less interesting when everything is the same. Today none of us would argue that men and women are physically different, but they differ emotionally, and mentallyRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women1338 Words   |  6 PagesOver the course of history, men and women have be faced with a communication barrier. The differing communication skills between men and women present challenges that can lead to foreseeable problems in relationships. These problems arise out of differing purposes, styles, traits, and emotions that accompany communication between the two sexes. Unless an understanding is reached, these barriers may never be broken down. The structure of men and women’s brain differ, which is the underlying causeRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women907 Words   |  4 PagesMen and women have distinct differences in communication styles. Women are categorized by being more discussion oriented, while men are more action oriented. Depending on home environment and the way parents raise men and women, men sometimes are the ones who communicate most. Men who are raised around women are more apt to become more in touch with their sensitive side leading to being able to express their feelings more freely. Men and women are taught, through childhood guardians, to soar in differentRead MoreThe Differences Between Men And Women1180 Words   |  5 PagesBattle of the Sexes (What is the differences between men and women?) Man and women were made is the beginning of time. The reason why, we will never know, but throughout history these two beings have been compared through every aspects of life. Men are the dominate creatures, controlling the earth, while women are the nurturers. The obvious differences between men and women have been capitalized and fought over throughout humankind’s history. Many of the people in the world have strong opinions onRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women905 Words   |  4 Pagescourse. History explains the story of how men and women have always been different. From the anatomy in the size of brains to life expectancy, men and women are each distinct. Camille Lewis points out that the difference between males and females is that each is biologically different. I disagree with Lewis that men and women innate their biological differences because their differences are also influenced by factors of the outside world in time. Men and women develop differently because they are drivenRead MoreDifference Between Men And Women1445 Words   |  6 Pagesnumber of women taking the place of men in leadership nowadays. There was only 1 female CEO in the Fortune 500 companies in 1996, the number were raised to 12 in 2010 and raised further to 26 in the latest 2014 list (Fortune, 2015). Whether men are more suitable than women to play the role as leaders in the company and whether men’s manager abilities are greater than women’s abilities? Gender diversity causes differences in managerial methods between men and women, and I suggest that men and women areRead MoreDifferences Between Men And Women1746 Words   |  7 Pages Gender Differences in Communication Have you ever thought someone wasn’t listening to you? Or that your request is being ignored because the response wasn’t framed in a way it should have been? Maybe it’s because you were speaking to a person who was of a different gender. Men use short direct speech, while women use indirect dialogue. Therefore, when genders meet up there’s a gap in communication. Men and women unconsciously communicate differently in numerous ways, so by understanding each other’sRead MoreDifferences Between Men and Women924 Words   |  4 Pagescandy bars. Even during childhood we knew that men and women are different. But just what is it that makes each gender so different from one another? Think about it, males and females breath, eat, and reproduce. Each has one heart, two lungs, two legs, two arms, one brain. So what is it exactly that makes each so different? Biological, environmental, and cognitive psychological sciences have broken down exactly what it is t hat makes men and women so alike and yet so different. Molly Edmonds, a

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