Saturday, February 29, 2020

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarche

In the writer Erich Maria Remarque's novel All Silence of the Western Battlefield, the writer expresses his view through Paul of the hero. Paul is also a narrator to explain all the physical and emotional experiences of the struggle against the First World War. When Paul and some of his classmates took part in the war they were very enthusiastic as they believed that they were going to be purely for honor. But throughout the novel, Paul and his friends began to realize that this is indeed fear and sorrow. All the quiet Erich Maria Remarque of the Western Front was written and written in Germany during the First World War. At the moment, the attitude of war is that it is the glory, the picture of the most heroic death that anyone can have. However, quiet on the Western Front is an anti-war novel that shows the truth and reality of war. This book is banned by the German government and seems to be read and trusted by young people. During the Cold War, John F. Kennedy said: Before the en d of the war, mankind must end the war. The destruction caused by World War I (Remarque 1982) After that, Erich M. Remarque was in his pioneering work. Total silence of the Western Front is trying to spread this pacifist message and anti-war sentiment. This new type of war has been left behind as the greatest and most technically advanced deadly war at that time. The literary progress of all quiet Erich Maria Remarque in front of the west and All Quiet in the west front explains the two stories. It meticulously paid attention to the soldiers' ideas in World War I and detailed the fear of all wars; each story is not only a soldier's independent experience, but also a new appearance of the fight But there are. This war was seen through the eyes of Paul Bowmer, and his way of thinking was better developed than his comrade. His true silence about the symbol of the West, images, and fables - in this book we heard the word young man of iron which was used to represent Paul's generation. I ron youth is the ideal of a strong patriotic group of the motherland, they fight to fight to proud Germany and its history. The writer and character in the book tore this ideal compared to the reality of war, I feel the sky that it is useless. These young soldiers are not iron

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Reading and writing assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading and writing assignments - Essay Example Burke’s definition of beauty isonly limited to a personal level. These terms that he uses are more inclined towards effeminacy as they suggest passiveness and submission. This implies that his definition excludes males. A subjective definition of beauty looks at the impression created on the beholder and hence is said to be in the eyes of the beholder. The same is also echoed by St. Thomas Aquinasin the Summa Theologica in his development of the concept of beauty. Beauty should not only be looked at interms of the cognitive or emotive aspects. It, therefore, should not be stated as only lying in the eyes of the beholder. This is also because beauty can be defined interms of the goodness of a person and their personality which gives a perception of beauty to the general public. A person with adorable morals and enviable personality creates a feeling of passion from the public and so is stated to be beautiful. Thus, beauty is an appealpresented to the public but does not necessarily lie in one’s cognitive and emotive

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Animal studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Animal studies - Essay Example The quality of a clinical trial is vital and thus the scientist should assign control and experimental subjects randomly. This reduces the occurrence of bias and favoritism. Blinding of participants and researchers is also of great importance as concerns the treatment being given. Single-blind studies involve the blinding of participants while double-blind involves the blinding of both participants and researchers. Epidemiological studies, on the other hand, involve the observation (Thompson & Melinda 33). They are important in the studying phenomena in large populations and the determination of the factors which may be of influence on the phenomena. They indicate the relationships inherent between these factors but do not give a suggestion for data linkage to cause and effect. When conducting a clinical trial, the scientist needs to consider several things. He needs to set up both experimental and control groups, in which the experimental group is administered with the intervention while the control group is not (Thompson & Melinda 34). After the experiment is complete, the two results are compared. In an ideal situation, the researcher should design an experiment where the participants in the study are assigned to either the control or experimental groups randomly. This randomization aids in avoiding the elimination of any errors that may result from participant favoritism, and to make sure that the two groups are similar for the characteristics and factors that are under study.... The experimental group is given the intervention under study while this is not the case with the control group. After experiments on both groups are done, their responses are compared. The quality of a clinical trial is vital and thus the scientist should assign control and experimental subjects randomly. This reduces the occurrence of bias and favouritism. Blinding of participants and researchers is also of great importance as concerns the treatment being given. Single blind studies involve the blinding of participants while double blind involves the blinding of both participants and researchers. Epidemiological studies, on the other hand, involve the observation (Thompson & Melinda 33). They are important in the studying phenomena in large populations and the determination of the factors which may be of influence on the phenomena. They indicate the relationships inherent between these factors but do not give a suggestion for data linkage to cause and effect (Thompson & Melinda 33). When conducting a clinical trial, the scientist needs to consider several things. He needs to set up both experimental and control groups, in which the experimental group is administered with the intervention while the control group is not (Thompson & Melinda 34). After the experiment is complete, the two results are compared. In an ideal situation, the researcher should design an experiment where the participants in the study are assigned to either the control or experimental groups randomly. This randomization aids in avoiding the elimination of any errors that may result from participant favouritism, and to make sure that the two groups are similar for the characteristics and factors that are under study. The