Monday, December 30, 2019

Adapt Scaffolding to Early Childhood - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 543 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Sociology Essay Level High school Tags: Childhood Essay Did you like this example? The article I read was Adapt Scaffolding to Early Childhood. I chose to read this article because my field of study is Early Childhood Education and I like learning as much as I can about the field. This article discusses scaffolding which is an instructional technique that helps guide students to a stronger understanding of an educational topic and being more independent in the learning process. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Adapt Scaffolding to Early Childhood" essay for you Create order The article discusses modeling the expectations and letting the student practice meeting those expectations before letting them venture out on their own in the learning process. It is helpful for both the student, and the educator if the educator documents lessons in the form of photos, this will help the child see their learning progress and it will also help the educator see where the student is at in the learning process. In the scaffolding process, the educator must learn the strengths of each of his/her students. This will help build on the learning process and the educator can build lessons based on the strengths of each child which will build on their skills. In the early childhood classroom this can be done with hands on learning, and the educator asking the students questions which begins the process of the children thinking on their own about the hands on lessons. Once you know what your students strengths are and where they are in their learning process, you can begin pushing them to learn more and question the what and why of the lesson being taught. Scaffolding helps children learn in different ways, it helps push them to want to know more and to be more independent in the learning process. Reaction/Point of View While reading this article I would have to agree with everything that was said. This is such a great way to get children not only to learn but to start taking more of an independent role in their learning. I believe as an educator we should learn what our students strengths and interests are whether we are using the scaffolding technique or not. Knowing the students strengths and interests can be helpful in knowing which lessons may interest them more, if one lesson isnt the most interesting to them then finding a way to make it more interesting. I think documenting the learning process in photographs is a great idea, young children love looking at photos and to see themselves learning gets them excited to learn. How to Use Information I would use this information is setting up lesson plans and activities for the early childhood classroom. I would use this information to find ways to get the students to start asking themselves questions while they are learning such as why am I learning this and what comes next. I could use this information while setting up the classroom as well, putting up some posters with photos that help them learn what things to be looking for while learning in any lesson and what questions to ask in any lesson. The information in this article helps me as a future educator learn the steps/process of scaffolding and how to model this technique. Documenting the learning process for children is so important, using photos for young kids is something I would do.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

William Blake s Innocence And Experience Analysis Essay

Isha Fidai Amber Drown English 2323 14 September 2016 William Blake s Innocence and Experience Analysis The Romantic Era was a movement in literature that began in the late seventeenth century throughout the eighteenth century that was mainly influenced by the natural world and idealism. Romanticism was predominantly focused on emotion and freedom emphasizing individualism. Formed as an uprising against neoclassicism, romanticism was more abstract, focusing on feelings and imaginations, instead of relying on logic and rules. The romanticism writers wanted freedom and were in complete awe of the nature around them. Poets such as William Blake adopted themes such as nature, often writing poetry about freedom and hope. Growing up, William Blake did not attend school, but instead was educated by his mother. William Blake s interest in engraving copies of drawings lead to the gothic styles of poetry he used to sketch tombs at Westminster, Abbey. At the age of 10, Blake was enrolled in Henry Pars’s drawing school where he began to admire the works on many artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo. Looking at the the artists works, at the age of 12, Blake started to explore his own artistic style with poetry. William Blake s wife supported his style of writing and helped him become a better poet. Their relationship was mutualistic because Blake had taught his wife how to read and write. In addition, Blake believed in universal conformity, which is a belief of everyoneShow MoreRelatedEssay on the Chimney Sweeper958 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish 102-B12 LUO Spring 2014 Joseph P Garland Jr L23810423 MLA A literary analysis of â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper.† Social Injustice was rampant among chimney sweeps in 18th and 19th Century England... In the poem â€Å"The Chimney Sweeper† from â€Å"Songs of Innocence† This paper will evaluate and show the story and writing style dealing with social injustice. 1. Introduction a. The Chimney Sweeper 2. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Social Work Gender Class Free Essays

string(51) " move towards eradicating racism within education\." In what ways are social class, ‘race’/ethnicity, and gender problematic identity constructionsAnd how can they affect achievement in education? Abstract An examination of the problematic identity constructions associated with social class, race / ethnicity and gender. Theories of essentialism and social constructism are used to understand these notions, and to assess the extent to which they can affect achievement in education. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Work Gender Class or any similar topic only for you Order Now Introduction The following will take a theoretical approach using contrasting ideas about the nature of social reality to look at problems of race / ethnicity, social class and gender / sexual identity, and the impact each has on equality in education. Social constructivism is the idea that there is no one objective reality shared by everyone. The meaning of physical reality is created by individuals and groups through beliefs based on their past experience and predispositions (Walsh 2010). Social constructivism has been widely influential in the social sciences and humanities, and was shaped by a number of theorists including Vygotsky (1925) whose studies of how children learn emphasizes the role of a social framework for education, and also by Berger and Luckmann (1966), who popularized the notion in English speaking countries (Van Dusek 2006). Social constructivist approaches to race, class and gender suggest that the way we perceive each is a function of history and culture, rather than a given objective fact.Our views of women and men, and the roles appropriate to each, for example, is rooted in the political climate, and relates to social power structures (Hirschmann 2003) By contrast, essentialism is the view that the characteristics ascribed to members of different races or sexual identities are fixed and objective. It suggests that the way things are perceived reflects the essential nature of that thing. The essence is a causal mechanism for the properties things display (Mahalingam 2003). When applied to sexuality, for example, an essentialist view suggests that orientation is based upon an inner state which causes a person’s sexual feelings and actions. The view also holds that the essence is either biologically caused or acquired in the first few years of development (Clarke et al 2010). While race, gender and class can be viewed alone, more recently an ‘intersectional’ approach has emerged, pointing out that these three constructs overlap, and can create layer upon layer of disadvantage and multiple oppression. Suggested by Crenshaw (1991), intersectionality shows that social identity is created in a more complex way than we might have thought (Berger 2006). 1.1 Race / Ethnicity It is certainly the case that different races and ethnicities are characterised by differing physical appearances, including colour of skin and facial features. However, an essentialist view of race and ethnicity would suggest that each race also has a number of behavioural, mental and intellectual characteristics which distinguish them from other races. For example, there is an assumption that native Hawaiians are lazy, of low intelligence, promiscuous, hospitable and easy-going (Ponterollo et al 2009). Essentialism may also suggest that the characteristic traits are genetic, and that some races / ethnicities are superior to others. Essentialism in approaches to race and ethnicity seem to be rooted in a late 19th century scientific viewpoint which assumed biological explanations for a range of human characteristics (Rubin 2005), and which naturalised traits such as racial difference. It has been suggested that essentialism still exists in educational, with the belief that each race had a distinct and fixed character, and that different racial groups should be taught with this in mind (Giroux and Shannon 1997). There are a number of clear problems with essentialist theories of race and ethnicity. For example, attempts to put humans into racial groups seem to use arbitrary selection of traits with no clear explanation of why these traits are important. In addition, essentialist views, fail to account for the richness of human life, culture and experience. Finally, essentialist theories seem to lack significance. What use can they be put to(Corlett, 2003). Further, it has been pointed out that the genetic basis for ethnic essentialism is flawed, as races exhibit greater genetic differences within themselves than between one race and another (Hill and Cole 2001). Essentialism is often associated with racism: the idea that â€Å"people are seen as causing negative consequences for other groups, or as possessing certain negatively evaluated characteristics because of their biology† (Hill and Cole 2001, p. 162). In education, it might lead, for example, to an assumption that children of a certain race are less intellectually able than others, and hence to a reduced attempt to engage with them; or to the assumption that black people excel at sports (Hill and Cole 2001). In contrast, a social constructivist approach to race and ethnicity seems a more useful one for equality in education. This position allows for greater flexibility as race and ethnicity are seen as dynamic forces, subject to change and shaped by power relationships and cultural forms that dominate the institutions in which they are found (Giroux and Shannon 1997). The social constructivist sees race as a construct â€Å"a concept that signifies and symbolises socio-political conflicts and interests in reference to different types of human body† (Winant 2001, p. 317; cited Dillon 2009). Race is not a biologically determined set of fixed characteristics, but rather a complex mix of projections regarding inequality, hierarchical relationships and conflict which have been used to differentiate, regulate and shape reactions between people. The set of presuppositions about racial characteristics become objectified into social institutions and cultures. They are a consequence of soci al attitudes and decisions made about other people by individuals and groups (Dillon 2009). Because racial differences are encapsulated in social institutions, and as education is an institutionally based phenomenon, racial prejudice and distinctions made between ethnicities need to be accounted for in education, and it seems important to reject an essentialist view in favour of a constructivist one, with the insight that perceived differences in learning ability, for example, are a consequence of historical political and social vested interests, and do not reflect an underlying reality.Within the UK, there has been a move towards eradicating racism within education. You read "Social Work Gender Class" in category "Essay examples" An unthinking mono-cultural approach which promoted British colonial history has given way to a multi-cultural one. Nowadays, an awareness of legislation and regulations regarding race are built into teacher training, for example it is stated that student teachers need to be familiar with the 1976 Race Relations Act, which outlawed discrimination between racial groups. A number of other laws and regulations since have framed education, including codes of practice issued by the Commission for Racial Equality, and more recent directives introduced by the European Court of Human Rights (Hill and Cole 2001). Despite the existence of such legislation, there is still a question regarding whether racism is still part of the education system. If we accept the social constructivist view, while racist attitudes are open to change, they are deeply embedded in the culture. Schools and other educational bodies may be subject to ‘institutional racism’, â€Å"the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin† (MacPherson et al 1999). Institutional racism is enshrined in the culture of an organisation, and individuals who make up the organisation may not even be aware of it. If an institution is predominantly white, it is likely that it has practices which exclude non-white people. The Stephen Lawrence enquiry in the UK in 1999 brought the issue to public attention, and a number of changes to the national curriculum, reporting procedures and monitioring levels were made. 1.2 Social Class The UK is still heavily stratified in terms of class, with resulting inequalities, poverty and social exclusion. The division between rich and poor has increased over the last 20 years, with the rich becoming even better off, and the less well off even poorer.There are various views of what the class system means. Class can be characterised on the basis of occupation and education, with manual (skilled, unskilled or semi skilled) trades equated with the working class, white collar workers with the middle classes, and professionals with the upper classes (Hill and Cole 1999). Marxism has offered a long-lasting analysis of class, suggesting that it is a vehicle whereby the interests of a few are allowed to override the interests of the many.Marx saw society as a history of class struggle, and class as closely tied up with the interests of capitalism, under which the means of economic production are placed in the hands of a small number, with most people having to sell their labour to survive. Marxists also suggest that the education system was class-ridden, existing primarily to tend to the interests of the elite by a process of ‘economic reproduction’, training people to take up a place in the work force, and by ‘cultural reproduction’’, by which children are educated to believe that the upper classes tastes are the norm, and working class ones should be rejected (Hill and Cole 1999). It has been claimed that Marxism challenges essentialism, for example by opposing the notion that the division between the working and upper classes is ‘natural’ and ‘fair’. However, many suggest that Marxism is in fact inherently essentialist rather than allowing fluidity in the class structure. For example, Marx believed in the fixed nature of the key concepts he used, ‘the individual’, ‘class’ and ‘the state’. He further assumes that people are members of a particular class for life, rather than able to move from one class to another. He also suggests that there is a unity to the concept of the ‘working class’, for example, over and above the shared conceptions of all the people who make up the class (Wolfreys 2006). Littlejohn (1978) suggests that for Marx, social class expresses an ‘essence’, with political movement reduced to expressions of interests determined elsewhere. In addition, L ittlejohn suggests, Marx saw society as having a fixed, stratified structure in which economics underpinned political, legislative and cultural layers (Littlejohn 1978). Post-modernism has suggested that the Marxist notion of class is no longer relevant, and argues that we are now in a post-capitalist era, in which the old social distinctions play no part (Hill and Cole 1999). Post-modernism is consistent with social constructivism, as it suggests that there is no reason to believe in an objective, fixed society, and that we rather need to study discourses and texts to understand what social constructs mean for the people who interpret them. For the post-modernist, personal identity has become fragmented and decentralised, and the notion of class has lost power as it has become subsumed by other measures of identity including gender and race. As identity is fragmented, so individuals can define themselves as classless, or move from class to class (Lareau and Conely 2008). In short, â€Å"social class has†¦ ceased to be of central empirical significance to our culture† (Milner, 1999). However, this view is widely disputed, for example by Hill, who suggests that post-modernists are simply unable – or unwilling – to recognize the divisive power of class in today’s society (Hill, 2002). The growth in the gap between rich and poor does suggest that class issues are still relevant. In terms of education and equality, it seems that class does play a role. Bordieu, for example, carried out empirical studies in French educational establishments, and showed that family background, social class and school are linked, with schools still representing the social and economic inequalities found in wider society. His suggestions have been confirmed by work in the US, suggesting that social differences are reinforced by the education system there, for example the policy of elite colleges such as Harvard to favour children of ex-students. Dillon also points out that access to education is not enough to increase social mobility, as working class students are likely to lack the abilities to make the most of their education that their middle class peers take for granted, for example skills in networking (Dillon 2009). It is also possible that more recent changes to education framewo rks in the UK including raised fees for higher education and more freedom for schools to select pupils will create a climate which introduces further divisions between classes in an ‘increasingly segregated system’ (Taylor 2006). 1.3. Gender / Sexual Identity Similarly, gender and sexual identity are notions with inherent problems. If we adhere to an essentialist view, it would be assumed that certain characteristics are attached to people of each gender, for example men are more intelligent, better with machinery, and better at sports, with women more suited to home making and issues to do with emotions. Similarly, an essentialist perspective might suggest that gay men are uniformly ‘camp’, dress flamboyantly and have a high-pitched voice, with lesbians likely to look like men and have a rough manner. By assuming that men and women have certain characteristics which define them, stereotyping is more likely to arise. Stereotypes can be acquired through family and wider society, and often develop at a young age, although are complex in nature and the precise nature of the stereotyped characteristics can vary considerably. Stereotypes are not innate: children first learn to differentiate between men and women before later ascribing sets of characteristics to them (Schneider 2004). Stereotypes both influence, and are influenced by, the role men and women play in society. They are problematic in that they not only describe differences between men and women, but also dictate what roles they should play. This can lead to oppression and the suppression of an individual’s freedom. Stereotypes cover a wide range of areas including cognitive abilities, physical appearance, behaviour and emotion. While stereotypes about both gender and sexual orientation are less oppressive now than t hey have been in the past, prejudice based on such labelling is still in existence, perhaps in a more subtle way (Worrell 2001), for example concerning whether women are expected to do as well in education as men. Stereotyping on the basis of gender or orientation can lead to oppression and inequality as it reinforces prejudices about difference, and can help maintain inequality and perpetuate injustices. Stereotypical views about men and women may be used to justify unfair treatment, for example paying women less on the assumption that work is less important to them (Andersen and Taylor, 2007). Awareness of the ways in which women are oppressed by men has increased since the advent of feminism, which uncovered the ways in which there is an unfair balance of social and economic power between men and women, and the extent to which men have a vested interest in controlling women to maintain this balance in their favour. Oppression of women, it has been argued, is carried out not just by individuals but is built into social and institutional structure so pervasively that it is not always obvious (Choudhuri 2008). Similarly, oppression and inequality can damage those of non-mainstream sexual ori entations, particularly gay men and lesbians. While awareness, understanding and tolerance of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gender people (GLBT) has increased over the last hundred years, negative treatment has not been removed. â€Å"Prejudice, discrimination and oppression on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity permeate our sociocultural context, affecting everyone in deleterious ways† (Messinger 2006, p. 44).Oppression on the basis of sexual orientation can take various forms including exploitation (not offering gay workers the same rights for spouses as given to different sex couples), powerlessness (disrespectful treatment, discrimination in the work place), systematic violence (verbal or physical abuse directed at an individual solely because he or she is gay) and cultural imperialism (the assumption that the worldview of the prevailing, ‘straight’ culture is the correct one) (Messinger 2006). Within education, therefore, there is a clear need to work against discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation, although such discrimination may well be institutionalised and hence less visible. Equality can be worked towards through a variety of methods including understanding the complexity of sexuality and gender, being aware of an challenging heterosexual assumptions and practices, understanding the role education can play in overturning prejudice, challenging homophobia, understanding how gender and orientation issues can intersect with race and class, and learning about LGBT histories (Banks and Banks 2009). Even in these seemingly more enlightened times, research evidence from the USA suggests that LGBT pupils are at higher risk of harassment within their educational instutites: many reported feeling unsafe while in school (64% compared with 10% of pupils who felt unsafe because of their gender), while many lesbian pupils reported physical and verbal harassme nt and victimisation (Klein 2007). Within the UK, legislation does exist to ensure equality for LGBT teachers, and a national initiative to reduce homophobic bullying was launched with incidents logged and a teaching programme suggested (Sears 2005). 2. Conclusion If a teacher subscribed to an essentialist view of gender, race and class, he or she might believe that one or other gender, race or social group is inherently better than others at academic subjects. This might lead to situations where the academic performance of the pupil was affected negatively or positively. For example, a belief that boys are better capable of mathematics or science might lead to the teacher spending more time with the boys, praising their good work more enthusiastically or not helping girls. A belief that Afro-Carribean boys are noisy and don’t care about their education might lead to the teacher being more harsh with boys of this race, assuming that they are more likely to be disruptive in class. A similar belief might cause the teacher to assume they are unlikely to be interested in certain subjects.Similarly, the teacher might assume that working class pupils were inherently less intelligent, and might as a result spend less time with them, and not w ork to encourage any goals of further education. On the other hand, by taking a constructivist view, there is more scope for children to be seen as individuals, and not typecast by their class, sex and ethnic background. A constructivist might also be aware of the extent to which an educational institution is sexist, racist or classist as part of its very structure, and take more steps to counteract this. References Andersen, M L And Taylor, H F (2007) Sociology: understanding a diverse society (4th edn), Cengage Learning, Belmont CA Banks, J A and Banks, C A M (2009) Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives, John Wiley and Sons, USA. Berger, P L and Luckmann, T (1966), The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, Anchor Books, NY. Berger, M T (2006) Workable Sisterhood: The Political Journey of Stigmatized Women with HIV/AIDS, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Choudhuri, L (2008) Community Planning for Intervention for Victims of Domestic Violence, Kassel university press, Kassel. Clarke, V, Ellis, S J, Peel, E, Riggs, D W (2010) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Psychology: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambs. Corlett, J A (2003) Race, racism, and reparations, Cornell University Press, USA Crenshaw, K W, (1991) ‘Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color’, Stanford Law Review, 43:6, 1241-1299. Dillon, M (2009) Introduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts, and Their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century, John Wiley and Sons, USA Dusek, V (2006) Philosophy of technology: an introduction, Wiley-Blackwell, Malden MA / Oxon. Giroux, H A and Shannon, P (1997) Education and cultural studies: toward a performative practice, Routlege, UK Hill, D (2002) Marxism against postmodernism in educational theory, Lexington Books, Oxon Hill, D and Cole, M (1999) Promoting equality in secondary schools, Continuum International Publishing Group, London, New York Hill, D and Cole, M (2001) Schooling and equality: fact, concept and policy, Routledge, UK Hirschmann, N J (2003) The subject of liberty: toward a feminist theory of freedom, Princeton University Press, Princetown NJ. Klein, S S (2007) Handbook for achieving gender equity through education (2nd edn.), Routledge / Lawrence Erlbaum , Mahwah, NJ. Lareau, A and Conley, D (2008) Social class: how does it work?, Russell Sage Foundation, New York. Lawson, H and Scott, D (2002) Citizenship education and the curriculum, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport CT Littlejohn, G (1978) Power and the state, Taylor Francis, London Mahalingam, R (2003) ‘Essentialism, Culture, and Power: Representations of Social Class’, Journal of Social Issues, 59:4, 733-749. McPherson, W, Cook, T, Sentamu, J and Stone, R (1999) The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, HMSO, London Milner, A (1999) Class, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA. Morrow, D F and Messinger, L (2006) Sexual orientation and gender expression in social work practice: working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, Columbia University Press, New York Ponterotto, J G, Suzuki, L A, Casas, J M and Alexander, C M (2009) Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (3rd edn.), SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA. Rubin, E H (2005) Adult psychiatry (2nd edn.), Wiley-Blackwell, Malden MA / Oxon. Schneider, D J (2004) The psychology of stereotyping, Guilford Press, NY. Sears, J T (2005) Youth, Education, and Sexualities: A-J, Greenwood Publishing Group, USA. Taylor, M (2006) ‘It’s official: class matters’, The Guardian, Tuesday 28 February 2006. Vygotsky, L S (1925/1978), Mind and society: The development of higher mental processes, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA. Walsh, J (2010) Theories for direct social work practice (2nd edn.), Cengage Learning, OH Winat, H (2002) The world is a ghetto: race and democracy since World War II, Basic Books. Wolfreys, J (2006) Modern British and Irish criticism and theory: a critical guide, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. Worell, J (2001) Encyclopedia of women and gender: sex similarities and differences and the impact of society on gender, Elsevier, USA How to cite Social Work Gender Class, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Threat of substitute free essay sample

Threat of substitutes The threat of substitutes means that a product identical or similar with other product which same characteristics product we found easily. The industry is less attractive when the threat of substitutes is high. In this case, we need to produce different product compared to the other firm to attract consumer to buy from us. Our firm threat of substitutes is medium as we are producing the plus sizes of clothing for men and women. In this industry, although there are several brand such as HM and Mango having large size or plus sizes of clothing. There is the difference between us because we only focus on the large size clothing while they are also having other product line like accessories and bag. Another brand like camel active, blue tom and etc is producing large sizes clothing too but their sizes is limited and normally their sizes are only available until XL or XXL. We will write a custom essay sample on Threat of substitute or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Compared to our brand, it is not the same because we are providing unlimited large sizes cloth. Normally, obese group will search for tailor on customize their clothing and the budget is high, some of them may be cannot afford it. On the other hand, the price of HM and Mango is usually high and searching for tailor service is very expensive. In conclusion, our clothes are suitable to all level of income as it is very affordable and reasonable, not only for higher level income’s group. Threat of new entrant The competitor can enter to the industry easily if they are selling identical or similar product. Which means that the treat of industry is high, not so profitable and the industry are not attractive. The barriers to entry to our industry is moderate because our business location is in Bukit Bintang are which is in the Sungei Wang Plaza which held nearby the same industry competitor such as HM at Lot 10 shopping mall and Mango in Pavilion shopping mall. In this case, we are providing different clothing business with others because we targeted and focused on obese people and only selling the large size clothing. We are using good quality raw material and selling at suitable, reasonable, and affordable price for customer. Customer may found what they find and wanted as we are selling latest design and fashion clothing with our fashion master advises and we make sure that they will get what they pay for. Bargaining power of buyer Nowadays, there are plenty of obese people who having problem in searching for clothes but not much firm is providing what they want, the plus sizes clothing. Therefore, the bargaining power of buyer in our business is low because the customer less choice and has few switching cost. In addition, our plus size clothes are suitable for all level income; all people can afford to buy it. Therefore, the obese people can wear more beautiful cloth and we also can give some consultant to them how to matching cloth. These services do not have in other firm. So, customer can wear beautiful and more confident and also shopping happily and no need worry does not have beautiful cloth wear. Rivalry among exiting firm There are fewer competitors in our business, so this industry is more profitable and attractive. But the all competitor are more famous than us, they have loyalty customer. So we need innovation, different with other. We do this just specially for obese people and we also provide fashion master service for customer. Our business is consider as slow growth industry, the fashion of cloth always change so we need fight with other to win the market share. So sometimes need do promotion to attract new customer and hold the old customer.